Privacy Policy

All information provided by the Customer when registering with ZEOCAT is archived in automated filing system duly registered with the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, solely for the purpose of maintaining contact with our customers in accordance with the following Privacy Policy.

2. Treatment of information

Zeocat Soluciones Ecológicas S.L.U. is the operator of the website (hereinafter ZEOCAT) and we hereby commit to comply with our obligation to maintaining the confidentiality of all data, and to take all necessary measures to ensure that no data is lost, altered or accessed without authorization in accordance with Spanish Law: Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal. 

All data collected is filed confidencially according to this legislation and will not be shared with any third party, except if required to do so in order to comply with any legal obligation which may arise. 

2. Identification of fileholder

Zeocat Soluciones Ecológicas S.L.U. at the registered address C/Matagalls, 5, 08461 Sant Esteve de Palautordera, Barcelona, Spain, with Fiscal Identification no. B64753635, is the entity responsible for the information provided by you the customer. 

3. Right of access, amendment and cancellation.

The Customer can exercise his/her right to access, amend or delete data relating to themselves in the following ways: 

Send us a written request by e-mail to:

Send a written request by post to the following address: C/Matagalls, 5, 08461 Sant Esteve de Palautordera, Barcelona, Spain.

Call us directly on the following number: +34 938483594.

4. Use of cookies

ZEOCAT uses cookies which are small data files which are generated in the user's computer which allow us to obtain information such as the date and time of the last visit to this website, and frequency of visits for example. The use of cookies permits:

  • Recognition of registered users in order to facilitate access to our website and make purchases
  • Saving of preferences and configuration of user profile.

Users are informed of the use of cookies upon the first visit to this website, and may choose to decline the use of cookies. 

Web browser software may also include the possibility of selecting which cookies are permitted and which are not. The user can specify the domains from which cookies are to be accepted or rejected. Browsers also allow users to see and to delete cookies individually. 

For more information visit:

5. News and commercial communications

ZEOCAT reserves the right to contact customers using the information they provide in order to inform them about new products, special offers and to convey information relevant to the customer's account. Customers who do not wish to receive any correspondence can contact us and request that we do not send any communication from us and we will comply with their request.

6. Customer Information

Customers may modify or delete any data held about them by ZEOCAT at any time either by accessing their user profile, or by contacting us directly.

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