Right of withdrawal

ZEOCAT offers a flexible returns policy. This means than even in cases where the products purchased by the customer are received in perfect condition, if the customer is not satisfied they can return or exchange the product witin a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of the product. If the customer wishes to simply return the product, they will receive a refund of the price paid for the product within 14 days of receipt by ZEOCAT of the returned product. However, the cost of the initial delivery and the cost of the return of the product must be borne by the customer. If the customer wishes to exchange the product purchased for a different product, they must pay the difference in price if they exchange it for a more expensive product. If they exchange the product for a less expensive product, they will be refunded the difference in cost within 14 days of the return of the returned product by ZEOCAT. The cost of the return and any delivery charges paid in relation to the returned item must be borne by the customer. Notwithstanding, any return will only be accepted by ZEOCAT if the following conditions apply:

  • The customer must return the product within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the order by the customer.
  • The products must be returned in the original packaging.
  • The product must be unused.

​Alternatively, if a product received by the customer is found to be damaged or contaminated in some way, ZEOCAT will ber the cost of the return of the product. The customer can choose either to receive a full refund of the amount paid for the product including delivery (which will be paid within 14 days of receipt of the returned product by ZEOCAT), receive the same product as a replacement, or receive a different product in exchange for the returned product. If this last option is chosen, the customer must pay any difference in price if the replacement product is more expensive, or the customer will receive a refund of the difference in price if the replacement product is less expensive within 14 days. In such cases, the cost of sending a replacement product will be borne by ZEOCAT.

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